CMYK Dessert House

Located at Archbishop Reyes Avenue, Waterfront Drive, Lahug, Cebu City is a colorful dessert house called CMYK Dessert House. CMYK stands for Chocolates Make You Kiss. 

I saw many facebook posts from my friends trending about CMYK and I was curious about the place and I invited my friend to drop by after our work shift. 

The place was so nice, but I didn't able to take pictures at it because there are customers around taking pictures too, still I had a happy tummy after! CMYK dessert house is not only good for the tummy but soul as well.

CMYK Dessert House 
IBP Bldg., Cebu Capitol Compound, N. Escario Street
Cebu City 6000
+63 933 491 9723


  1. What did you think of the chocolate siopao? My friend said it wasn't any good so I did not bother trying it hahah

    But I have to hand it to CMYK for their fantastic food presentation.

    1. The chopao was just like a sandwich with chocolate spread lang. I was amazed with its design that's why I bought one. Hehe :)


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